Diskwarrior Installation Instructions

  1. You are NOT allowed to duplicate, loan out, or give this media to ANYONE.
  2. You are allowed to run this product from CD to repair any media that is owned by the University.
  3. You are NOT allowed to install this product ā€“ it MUST be run from CD.
  4. To start up from the CD insert the disc into your CD/DVD drive.
  5. Restart your computer.
  6. Hold down the ā€œCā€ key until a Mac OS X startup screen appears.
  7. If you have any questions or problems, please email webstore@uiuc.edu.

To start up the recently released Mac Pro (early 2008) you will need a DiskWarrior CD with a more current operating system.Alsoft has received an updated operating system from Apple so as to create a DiskWarrior CD to start up these computers. They do not currently have a timeframe on availability of this updated CD.In the interim, you might utilize one of the following configurations to use a current DiskWarrior 4.1 CD.

  1. Alternate Startup Disk: If you have another drive (such as an external FireWire drive or an iPod with FireWire or a USB 2.0 drive) you could install OS X (the version which shipped with your computer or higher) on that drive and then start from it. Install DiskWarrior on that drive's "Utilities" folder, (which is inside the "Applications" folder) and run DiskWarrior from there.
  2. Target Disk Mode: Connect two Macs with a FireWire cable where the one is the "host" and the other is a "target". The host Mac should be running OS X (10.4.x or higher). In this scenario, the target Mac is the new Mac Pro that cannot be started from the DiskWarrior CD. Start by shutting down the target Mac. Then turn it on while holding down the "T" key. The target Mac's drive will appear as a usable drive on the host Mac. Run DiskWarrior from the host Mac and rebuild the target Mac's disk.