WebStore updates Adobe IT Pro package mid-month, every month.
The Adobe package releases occur continuously with both minor and major releases. Apps and app family development follow separate schedules. Adobe version release scheduling occurs in 14 day intervals.
This offer includes the Self Service NU packages for the Creative Cloud Desktop application and Acrobat. These packages are the same ones that users can download and install directly from the Adobe Cloud account. The reason for preinstalling these on managed machines is to give users who would ordinarily lack the admin permissions to install Adobe apps on their computer, the ability to do so. Installing only the Creative Cloud desktop package, will give the user access to the Adobe apps panel where they may download any or all of the Creative Cloud Suite apps included in their subscription. Installing only the Acrobat package will install both Acrobat AND Creative Cloud desktop app. Both package installations will automatically manage Adobe app updates by default.
Self Service packages for Adobe provide automated updates and easy user access to the complete Creative Cloud Suite of Adobe products and services. If your department does NOT maintain regular updates for Adobe software, we HIGHLY suggest that you install the Self Service packages for Creative Cloud and Acrobat since Adobe programs will cease to work if they are not regularly updated. Installing a Self Service package will allow non-admins to update their Adobe programs, download and install the compatible app versions from Adobe directly and decreases IT overhead.
02/21/2025---The 24.005.20414 Planned Update for Acrobat is now available.
02/03/2025---The 24.005.20399 Update for Acrobat is now available.
12/18/2024---The 24.005.20320 Planned Update for Acrobat is now available.
10/28/2024---The 24.004.20220 Planned Update for Acrobat is now available.
10/17/2024---The 2025 major version releases of many Creative Cloud apps are now available.
10/17/2024---The Mandatory Update for Creative Cloud Desktop is now available.
10/17/2024---The 24.003.20180 Planned Update for Acrobat is now available.
09/16/2024---The 24.003.20112 Planned Update for Acrobat is now available.
08/19/2024---The 24.002.21005 Planned Update for Acrobat is now available.
07/29/2024---The 24.002.20965 Optional Update for Acrobat is now available.
07/23/2024---The 6.3.0 Mandatory release for Creative Cloud desktop is now available.
06/20/2024---The 24.002.20857 Optional Update for Acrobat is now available.
05/16/2024—The 24.002.20759 Planned Update for Acrobat is now available.
05/15/2024—The Mandatory release for Creative Cloud desktop is now available.
04/16/2024—The 24.002.20687 Planned update for Acrobat is now available.
03/23/2024—The Mandatory release of Creative Cloud desktop is now available.
03/18/2024—The 24.001.20604 Planned update for Acrobat is now available.
01/18/2024---The 23.008.20470 optional update for Acrobat is now available.
01/05/2024---The 23.008.20458 optional update for Acrobat is now available. The new version of the CC Desktop app is also available in the NU Self Service CC and Acrobat apps. Other Adobe apps will be repackaged with the new CC Desktop app version in the next monthly update.
11/17/2023---The Nov 14th planned update for Acrobat is 23.006.20380.
9/20/2023---CC Desktop Version was released on 09/20/2023(mandatory release). All IT Pro Self Service, NU and SDL packages have been updated to include the latest version of the CC Desktop app.
9/14/2023--- The most recent planned update for Acrobat is now 23.006.20320.
7/11/2023--- There is a new KB published on Adobe Beta Apps access on the UI Enterprise plan. https://answers.uillinois.edu/129634
The University of Illinois System Adobe contract renewal brings new services to the Creative Cloud Suite. Adobe Standard Stock for images, templates, 3D assets and editorial. All other services, apps, and resources (such as cloud storage and sharing) will remain unchanged. To access the new stock assets, users can go to https://stock.adobe.com/ and login.
Additionally, the 3D Substance Apps Collection is now included for all subscribers as a part of the Creative Cloud App Suite.
Adobe Reader and Acrobat are now combined into a single unified installer for Creative Cloud Enterprise. Installing this version over a previously installed version of 32-bit Reader requires special consideration.
For more options and information on deploying Acrobat Enterprise, use this guide:
For questions regarding this page, please email webstore@illinois.edu